Ogilvy: Mondelez's Lacta’s Don’t Ever Leave Me

Scene of a beach and a couple with the title Don't Ever Leave Me

Ogilvy: Mondelez's Lacta’s Don’t Ever Leave Me

A poignant film showing what a love story is not

The rise in domestic violence cases in 2021 in Greece stunned the nation. Thirteen brutal femicides were reported in the media, with two taking place in the same week in December. Many of the perpetrators have tried to justify their actions as "crimes of passion".

In response to these shocking murders, Mondelez's Lacta, a chocolate brand that for years has been telling love stories in the form of branded entertainment films, chose to produce a short film that shows what a love story is not.

The four-minute film, created in partnership with Ogilvy, titled Don't Ever Leave Me and directed by acclaimed Greek director Argyris Papadimitropoulos shows two young lovers in what appears to be a cliché love story but soon takes a dark turn into an abusive, toxic relationship.

The film ends with a warning to women to be on the lookout for the telling signs of psychological and physical abuse, providing further information in cooperation with Diotima – an NGO devoted to Gender Rights and Equality.

The campaign film became the number one trending video on YouTube in Greece and TV channels aired the advert for free to raise awareness for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Ogilvy Dont Ever Leave Me