Hill+Knowlton Strategies: Meta’s Metaverse Interview

Hill+Knowlton Strategies: Meta’s Metaverse Interview
Facilitating Spain’s first ever broadcast interview in the metaverse
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Spain started working with Meta Reality Labs (formerly Facebook Reality Labs) with the aim of increasing awareness of the metaverse among top-tier national broadcast networks. The goal was to create positive coverage that would position Meta as a leading innovative brand and generate enthusiasm among the Spanish public around the metaverse.
The Hill+Knowlton Strategies Spain team secured Meta an appearance on one of the most popular news programmes in the country. Thanks to a long-standing relationship with the TVE journalists and the joint work with the company's communication team, the team secured a 20-minute segment during primetime national television.
TVE's Telediario 2 – the foremost news programme and the longest-running programme in the history of Spanish television – broadcast a 20-minute report on the metaverse, while in the metaverse. Making history, it was the first time an interview had been conducted in the virtual realm on national television. Irene Cano, Country Manager of Meta in Iberia, was interviewed in Workrooms, Meta's VR space for teams.

Hill+Knowlton Strategies Spain worked with TVE and the communication team at Meta Spain for more than a month to ensure that the interview was a success, including the configuration and customisation of the room and the avatars to achieve the best experience.
The milestone interview on TVE was an important step forward that has allowed Meta to show the metaverse to millions of people in Spain and achieve primetime broadcast coverage with a loyal audience, increasing share of voice by 12%.