German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
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Respect for human rights and environmental obligations, as well as compliance with applicable legal requirements, are fundamental principles for WPP Deutschland Holding GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter: WPP Deutschland) and its affiliated companies. In our business activities, we strive to identify, address and prevent negative impacts on people and the environment, and we constantly seek opportunities to promote human rights.
Our approach is based primarily on the requirements of internationally recognised standards and frameworks, as well as the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
The WPP Deutschland Complaints Procedure
Our "Right to Speak" helpline is intended to enable people to point out potential risks to or violations of human rights, environmental obligations or other applicable laws that have arisen from the actions of WPP Deutschland, our subsidiaries or our business partners in the supply chain. The procedure thus constitutes a central component of our process for fulfilling our human rights and environmental due diligence obligations.
Detailed information on the procedure, the rights of complainants and other relevant information can be found in the procedural rules for the grievance procedure.
The procedure is available to anyone who is directly affected by a risk or violation or who has witnessed a relevant incident. Representatives of affected persons can also make use of the procedure.
The procedure is operated by NAVEX Global EthicsPoint, an independent third-party provider. Reports can be submitted here.
The WPP Deutschland Policy Statement on Upholding Human Rights.
In our Policy Statement on Upholding Human Rights, we explain the relevance of human rights and environmental obligations to our business activities and outline the steps we are taking to advance the protection of these rights and fulfil our due diligence obligations. At the same time, the Policy Statement represents our self-commitment to respect human rights and environmental obligations.
WPP Deutschland Guidelines on Human Rights and Environmental Expectations
Expectations in conjunction with our Policy Statement, relevant codes of conduct outline our human rights and environmental expectations for our own employees, our business partners in the supply chain, and other stakeholders.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct forms the foundation for collaboration with our business partners in the supply chain and sets out our minimum human rights and environmental requirements for our suppliers.
The Code of Business Conduct contains guidelines and codes of conduct that promote and require ethical and social behaviour from all employees of WPP Deutschland and its subsidiaries.
This policy pertains to WPP Deutschland Holding GmbH & Co KG.
Information according to § 5 TMG: WPP Deutschland Holding GmbH & Co. KG | Darmstädter Landstr. 112 | 60598 Frankfurt a.M. | Fon: +49 69 96225 0 | E-Mail: [email protected] | Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 815136520 | Frankfurt am Main, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRA 47365, its general partner:WPP Deutschland Verwaltungs GmbH | Frankfurt am Main | Amtsgericht Frankfurt HRB 53373 | Their managing director: Anne Maldener, Stefan Radner, Frank-Michael Schmidt |