Climate change commitments
We aim for WPP to be a low-carbon and resource-efficient company. We support urgent action to tackle the climate crisis through the Paris Climate Agreement and have been working to cut our carbon footprint since 2006.
In 2021, WPP set near-term science-based carbon reduction targets, validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative. We committed to reduce GHG emissions from our own operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 84% by 2025, and to halve our supply chain emissions (Scope 3) by 2030 (both from a 2019 baseline). We also committed to offset residual emissions to reach net zero carbon emissions in our operations by 2025 and across our supply chain by 2030. To deliver net zero emissions from WPP’s operations, electricity will be 100% renewably sourced by 2025.
Within WPP’s supply chain, which accounts for the overwhelming majority of the company’s emissions, the two largest sources are the production of advertising content and, most significantly, the placement of that content in media channels from television and press to radio and online.
We are the first in our industry to include emissions from media buying in our carbon reduction commitment. You can read more about this commitment here.
A growing network of campus and agency Green Teams are driving action on our sustainability commitments. Green Teams bring together changemakers with a diverse range of expertise across WPP, and provide a platform to engage and drive progress in a way that resonates with our people locally.
You can read more about our sustainability commitments in our 2023 Sustainability Report.