About our reporting
We present our most material sustainability disclosures in our Annual Report and Sustainability Report. As we move towards integrated reporting we intend to utilise the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Framework as a guide, increasing our alignment as we progress.
We use external frameworks to help us implement good reporting practice, to ensure we are covering the topics of most interest to stakeholders and to aid comparison with other companies.
Our report references selected Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Standards. The Reporting Standards Index shows which topics and disclosures are covered and their location in our report. We have included some metrics from the Advertising & Marketing Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) and International Business Council (IBC) core metrics in our reporting index.
We define our reporting boundaries and the methodologies we use to capture data and report on assured KPIs in the WPP Sustainability Reporting Criteria 2021.
WPP ESG Metrics Tables 2021 provides a summary of our key sustainability metrics in one place. If you require an excel version of this file, please email [email protected].
Our aim is to ensure that between our website and supporting downloadable information we provide the information our stakeholders expect and need.
We welcome your views on our reporting and on our approach to sustainability in general. We encourage you to give us your feedback by emailing [email protected].